How to order

Learn about how you can make orders on our online shop and about your options when adding a product to the Basket.


Login the website (


After registering as a corporate customer, please login with the unique ID you received.











Browse products by product category


Explore products categorized in sub-categories, from large to small. You can browse the products that fit your needs.










Add to Cart


Click a product to see all the information on one page.


Check the desired finish, size, and specifications to complete product selection. Enter the desired quantity and click 'Add to Cart'.








Check your cart


Once you have all the products you want, go to the shopping cart.

Check the product number and quantity again and click ‘Check out’.











Enter shipping address


Confirm the shipping address to receive the product. If you wish to ship to a different address, please click 'New Delivery Address' and correct it.


When done, click 'Next'.








Check shipping information

If you order multiple products, please check the desired shipping type.


When checking regular shipments, it is sequentially delivered and the products are ready. check total shipments when you want to get delivered at one time.


Click 'Next'.








Final order confirmation


Finally, confirm the order. After confirming the product specifications and quantity, click ‘Proceed to payment’ to complete your order.













Payment method information

We will send you an email with your order receipt at the email address you registered.


Please wait for our customer support team to complete your final order. We will guide you through the payment method according to the customer type.